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Indicator Statusline

The indicator statusline used to be a feature, from the old DEC VT level 4 terminals. Contour revives this feature to prominently show the terminal status.


                left: "{VTType} │ {InputMode:Bold,Color=#C0C030}{SearchPrompt:Left= │ }{TraceMode:Bold,Color=#FFFF00,Left= │ }{ProtectedMode:Bold,Left= │ }"
                middle: "{Title:Left= « ,Right= » ,Color=#20c0c0}"
                right: "{HistoryLineCount:Faint,Color=#c0c0c0} │ {Clock:Bold} "

Each segment, left, middle, and right may contain text to be displayed in the left, middle, or right segment of the indicator statusline.

This text may contain placeholders to be replaced by their respective dynamic content.


Variable Description
{Clock} current clock in HH:MM format
{Command} yields the result of the given command prompt, as specified via parameter Program=...
{HistoryLineCount} number of lines in history (only available in primary screen)
{Hyperlink} reveals the hyperlink at the given mouse location
{InputMode} current input mode (e.g. INSERT, NORMAL, VISUAL)
{ProtectedMode} indicates protected mode, if currently enabled
{SearchMode} indicates search highlight mode, if currently active
{SearchPrompt} search input prompt, if currently active
{Text} given text (makes only sense when customized with flags)
{Title} current window title
{VTType} currently active VT emulation type

Formatting Styles

Each Variable, as specified above, can be parametrized for customizing the look of it. The common syntax to these variables and their parameters looks as follows:


So parameters can be specified after a colon (:) as a comma separated list of flags and key/value pairs. A key/value pair is further split by equal sign (=).

The following list of formatting styles are supported:

Parameter Description
Left=TEXT text to show on the left side, if the variable is to be shown
Right=TEXT text to show on the right side, if the variable is to be shown
Color=#RRGGBB text color in hexadecimal RGB notation
BackgroundColor=#RRGGBB background color in hexadecimal RGB notation
Bold text in bold font face
Italic text in italic font face
Underline underline text (only one underline style can be active)
CurlyUnderline curly underline text (only one underline style can be active)
DoubleUnderline double underline text (only one underline style can be active)
DottedUnderline dotted underline text (only one underline style can be active)
DashedUnderline dashed underline text (only one underline style can be active)
Blinking blinking text
RapidBlinking rapid blinking text
Overline overline text
Inverse inversed text/background coloring

These parameters apply to all variables above.

The Command variable is the only one that requires a special attribute, Program whose value is the command to execute.